How different process engines and legacy systems co-exist @Commerzbank

Nov 23, 2023, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Camunda Chapter: Vienna

Harmonische Co-Existenz von Process Engines und Legacy Systemen mit eigenem Commerzbank-Framework

About this meet-up

Hey Camundos!

Time is flying by and the year is almost over again ☃️ So it’s *really* time for another Camunda meet-up!

And we have something super-exciting this time 😲

We are very happy to welcome a special guest from Hamburg – Matthias Dabisch from Commerzbank! 💕

Some of our Community members visited the Camunda Rhein-Main Community in September, where Matthias talked about the framework Commerzbank has created. It allows to combine different process-engines and legacy systems to a unified process automation stack. They were so excited by his talk, that they thought it would be great to invite him to Vienna and give people here a chance to get insights as well.

Thus, you should not miss his talk “Harmonische Co-Existenz von Processengines und Legacy Systemen” where Matthias will talk about

  • Heterogene autonome verteilte Prozessimplementierungen unter Erhalt von zentralem Statustracking und Ablaufkontrollen
  • Co-Existenz verschiedener Versionen und Processengines
  • Zentrales Process Repository
  • Automatisierte Schnittstellengenerierung zur Prozesskommunikation
  • Zentrales Status Tracking zur übergreifenden Verfolgung von Prozessen
  • Implementierung am Beispiel von Camunda 7 & 8 mit einem eigenen Commerzbank-Framework

Note: this talk will be in GERMAN only!

But we have more for you 😊

Camunda 8.3 was recently released - did you have a look already? 🏁

If not, that’s no problem as Nathan Loding, who is a Developers Advocat at Camunda, will share the latest News with us!

Furthermore this year’s CamundaCon took place in New York and we have joined the public viewing in Berlin! 💕 We will share our favourite impressions with you.

Last but not least – It’s Christmas time! 🎄 🎁

Christmas Markets are open and we hope you will join us for a *hot* drink at the “Glühweinstandl”! ⭐

The event will take place at


Lindengasse 56, 1070 Wien


5:00 pm: Doors open

5:30 pm: Welcome and Introduction

5:45 pm: CamundaCon 2023 & Community – What’s new?

6:15 pm: Camunda 8.3 – get the latest Updates! (Nathan Loding)

7:00 pm: Harmonische Co-Existenz von Process Engines und Legacy Systemen mit eigenem Commerzbank-Framework (Matthias Dabisch)

7:45 pm: Discussions & Networking 🍻 🍷 🥪

We’re looking forward to seeing you soon!🔔



Thursday, November 23, 2023
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


  • Matthias Dabisch

    Commerzbank AG

  • Nathan Loding


    Developer Advocate


  • Marcel Brökel

    Phactum Softwareentwicklung GmbH


  • Peter Queteschiner

    Chapter Leader

  • Stephan Pelikan

    Phactum Softwareentwicklung GmbH

    Lead Developer

  • Marcel Brökel

    Chapter Leader

  • Stephan Heigl

    Phactum Softwareentwicklung GmbH

    Chapter Leader

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