Keeping Secrets – How To Handle Authentication Data in Low- and Pro-Code Environments

Apr 3, 4:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

Camunda Chapter: Hamburg

Securely integrating external systems requires proper secret management—hardcoded credentials are a risk. This talk covers best practices in Camunda, from tools like HashiCorp Vault to retrieval methods, caching, and scalability. Learn how to handle secrets securely in Connector and Job Worker environments while balancing security, flexibility, and efficiency.


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About this meet-up

Stefan Schultz von Consid ist wieder bei uns zu Besuch und wird uns einen Vorgeschmack auf seinen Talk im Mai auf der CamundaCon in Amsterdam geben:


Integrating external systems securely requires proper secret management—hardcoding credentials is a major risk. This talk explores best practices for handling secrets in Camunda, from centralized secret management tools like HashiCorp Vault to different retrieval methods at different stages. We’ll discuss secure secret handling in both Connector and Job Worker environments, highlighting caching strategies and scalability considerations. By the end, you’ll have a clear understanding of how to choose the right approach to protect authentication data while maintaining flexibility and efficiency.


Nach dem Talk gibt es noch eine Session für Fragen und Diskussionen.


 Danach wie immer Bier und Pizza - also kommt gerne vorbei, wir freuen uns auf euch.

Zur Location

ACHTUNG: Das Meetup findet diesmal bei Consid in der Speicherstadt, St. Annenufer 5 im 4.Stock statt!



Thursday, April 3, 2025
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM (UTC)


4:00 PMDoors Open
5:00 PMVortrag: Keeping Secrets – How To Handle Authentication Data in Low- and Pro-Code Environments
5:30 PMQ & A
6:00 PMBeer+Pizza


  • Stefan Schultz


    Consultant Manager


  • Stefan Schultz


    Consultant Manager

  • Patrick Wunderlich

    Holisticon AG


  • Patrick Wunderlich

    Holisticon AG

    Chapter Leader


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