Sands of Innovation: Dubai's Camunda Day

Nov 30, 2023, 12:00 – 4:15 PM

Camunda Chapter: Dubai

Discover the transformative power of Camunda at "Sands of Innovation: Dubai's Camunda Day." Uncover Camunda's evolution, business applications, and the dawn of Camunda 8, heralding a new era in BPM. Featuring sessions on track records, business cases, and the future of BPM, this event aims to establish a collaborative working group, initiate press releases, and pave the way for future engagements.


About this meet-up

Join us for "Sands of Innovation: Dubai's Camunda Day" a pivotal gathering set against the backdrop of Dubai's innovation landscape. This event is designed to delve into the transformative capabilities of Camunda, exploring its track record, business applications, and the dawn of Camunda 8 - marking a new era in Business Process Management (BPM).


1. Camunda Track Record 2018 – 2023 by Aleksey Spivakov

2. Business Cases Leveraging Camunda Platform by Andrey Leushev

3. Camunda 8 - Embracing the New Era of BPM by Aleksey Shershnev

4. Discussion and Networking

Target Results:

1. Formation of a Working Group: Collaboratively establish a working group dedicated to advancing Camunda's presence and impact in the region.

2. Press Releases: Strategize and initiate the issuance of press releases to spotlight Camunda's advancements and potential in the region.

3. Preparation for Future Engagements: Lay the groundwork and plan for the next larger-scale meeting to continue fostering Camunda's growth and outreach in Dubai.

Join us as we explore the limitless potential of Camunda, aiming to not just understand its capabilities but to forge a community dedicated to furthering its influence in the region. Get ready to be a part of shaping the future of Camunda in Dubai and beyond.


Camunda story line
Business cases from clients
Technical cases on Camunda 8
Discussion and Networking


  • Andrey Leushev

    Chapter Leader


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