Controlling Manual Tasks with To-Do Lists

Mar 10, 2022, 1:00 – 2:30 PM

Camunda Chapter: Dubai

This time we are going to show a practical case of controlling manual tasks with to-do lists. There will be a short quiz at the end and a cool swag from Camunda to be given to the winner 🏆


About this meet-up

Welcome to the first 2022 Camunda User Group Saudi Arabia meetup next March 10 via Zoom! We have some exciting things to share with you. This time we are going to show a practical case of controlling manual tasks with to-do lists. There will be a short quiz at the end and a cool swag from Camunda to be given to the winner 🏆.

I came across an awesome article written by Adam Urban showing this case using Camunda cloud workflow engine "Zeebe".

I liked this practical case and I am pretty sure many would like it as well, so I decided to implement it using the Camunda Platform.

Task management tools such as Trello can be so helpful when it comes to organizing manual tasks in to-do lists, moving forward to the next list(s) as status changes until reaching the done list.

Wouldn’t it be awesome ✌️ if we could automate the setup of various to-do lists as per the business needs so automatic creations of board’s cards to get triggered only as per predefined process?

This means adding both control and visibility to the overall work to be done.

Useful process examples might look like below

New Employee (Adam Urban's Example):

New Meetup Planned:

This case also shows that digital transformation is not only about using so many technologies but more importantly is using them wisely and process automation plays a key role in doing end-to-end orchestration across different technologies, systems, infrastructures, people, and devices.


  • Andrey Leushev

    Chapter Leader

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