Orchestrating the microservices using Camunda 8

Jul 6, 2023, 2:00 – 5:00 PM

Camunda Chapter: Baku

We will share our experience of how we sell online products by managing microservice using event-driven architecture top on Camunda 8. "Managing long running processes without Camunda". That’s a nightmare. Let's discover how to defeat this nightmare with the great orchestrator Camunda 8 platform.


About this meet-up

Process Orchestration is a powerful tool for automating business processes and integrating various applications to streamline operations and improve efficiency. It plays a crucial role in Microservice-oriented architectures, enabling the execution of tasks in the right order and ensuring adherence to development and life-cycle processes. In this event, I will share our practical knowledge, lessons learned, experiences, and what journey we went through from non Camunda environment to now. 

Who is it for?

No matter if you are a newbie or an experienced developer or architect, you are going to have fun! 


Community community community...
Run process run...
Where we hang around
What we deal with
Story of e2e sales products at Kapitalbank
Network and Coffee


  • Ilkin Abdullayev

    Kapitalbank OJSC

    Technical Lead / Software Architect

  • Vusal Necefov

    Kapitalbank OJSC

    Software developer


  • Albina Adinayeva

    Kapitalbank OJSC

    Human Resources Business Partner/ Technical Talent Hunter


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