Camunda Chapter: Rheinland


Welcome to the Camunda Chapter: Rheinland!

A free, open, and fun user group for open source, workflow automation & business process management enthusiasts, as well as users of the Camunda stack.

We are interested in bringing together different open source communities, and we would like to establish regular meet-ups to discuss the industry’s latest developments, including Camunda’s product contributions. This group is open to anyone, from the “workflow curious,” to the BPM purist, to the Microservice Orchestration Designer, to the Java Architect, to the “how do I do this in my non-Java language?” developer.

Would you like to share something with the group? Don't hesitate to contact us 😊

Upcoming events

24 oct 2024


Camunda 8: Chancen, Herausforderungen und der aktuelle Status Quo

Das Camunda Chapter "Rheinland" findet am 24.10.2024 bei der viadee Unternehmensberatung AG in Köln statt. Diskutiert werden Themen wie Zeebe, Konnektoren, Marketplace, Camunda as a Service und die Migration von Camunda 7. Tauscht Erfahrungen aus, lernt von anderen und genießt den Abend bei Pizza und Getränken. Wir freuen uns auf eure Teilnahme und einen spannenden Austausch!

Past events


Migration von Camunda 7 zu Camunda 8

20 sept 2023


Camunda 8: Low-Code und Connectors & "BPMN patterns that start fights"

4 abr 2023

Online Event

Camunda 8 in Action & BYOP(*)

21 jun 2022

Online Event

Controlling a Smart Factory with Camunda & BYOP(*)

8 feb 2022


Matthias Schulte

Chapter Leader. Managing Consultant - viadee Unternehmensberatung AG

Florian Runschke

Chapter Leader - viadee AG

Andre Strothmann

- viadee Unternehmensberatung AG


Contact Us